Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kaiser Permanente - Remember Kharma

As I finished my last rant on Kaiser Permanente I got a call from my other brother who is at Parkview Hospital with my brother who has the liver cancer. Kaiser Permanente has ordered he be given pain meds and sent home. The man is in the hospital because his ammonia levels in his liver are now 3X the normal level. Jaundice is trying to set in again, he has lost 50 pounds in a month because of this and what does Kaiser Permanente do to help? SEND HIM HOME WITH PAIN MEDS TO DIE!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Kaiser Permanente. Threaten to sue me Kaiser Permanente - I will not shut up! I'll get it before a jury and counter sue you. I'll make sure it's headline material.

Kaiser Permanente Insurance - Takes your money and let you DIE!!!!!

My youngest brother has this as insurance through the State of Colorado. He is dying of Liver Cancer. He WAS on the Liver transplant list. The Quack Doctors at University Hospital in Denver, for some reason during the 4 years he went there for treatment missed 2 tumors on his liver. Well, they missed them until it was too late. The Doctors at Porter Hospital in Denver say they can and will do the transplant. Kaiser Permanente Insurance say "no" to Porter Hospital. It is not one of "their" hospitals and even though he will die - to quote their representative " we cannot help unless he goes to University Hospital". The guy is sure to die if he doesn't have the transplant. There are many donors lined up willing to donate. University will not do it!!!! Kaiser Permanente is killing my brother. Kaiser Permanente does not care. If they did my brother would be at Porter Hospital getting the life saving transplant he needs.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Re: RNC 08-29-2012

The last time I watched an entire evening of a political convention was the Libertarian Convention on C-Span back in 1991 or '92. Andre' Marrou was the Libertarian Candidate then. Last night I watched from Condoleeza Rice onward through Paul Ryan. Wow, I was impressed with both Ms. Rice and the lady who followed her, New Mexico Governor Suzanne Martinez. I thought to myself how the heck is Paul Ryan supposed to follow those two? He did and boy he did it in fine fashion. I was tempted at a few places to stand up and cheer like the crowd was doing there in Tampa, Florida. I like this guy and he and Romney continue to have my vote. I wonder how the mainstream media is going to spin this tomorrow? My bet is that words like "racist", "homophobic", "Hate-filled" are just a few of the terms used. Divide and conquer seem to be the bylines of the big three and their subordinates.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

An awesome, awesome man and an awesome article.

Thomas Sowell is a person of whom I would love to spend an evening with over dinner just picking his brain. It was the writings of Sowell's mentor Milton Friedman that got me to rethinking my then Socialistic/ Communistic points of view along with the fact that my love of history led me to the writings of early Nazi's and Fascists like Mussolini that showed me the Fascists were nothing more than Nationalistic Communists. How can one (Fascism) be condemned while the other (Socialism/ Communism) has been responsible for more deaths than Nazi/Fascism? Both are the epitome of evil, both rely on sheep, fear and threat of death. The Ukrainian genocide was as horrible as the Jewish extermination. Throw in Bergen where American soldiers underwent the same treatment as the Jews also. Oh, you label one as Right Wing Extremism and while in the same breath deny the holocaust/ genocide caused by that very same ideaology. Does that make any sense? Not to me either. How about totally excluding the other group and their atrocities? How about the people surrounding our sitting President espousing the writings of Mao and Mother Teresa? How about claiming Jesus was a Socialist, ignoring the Parable of the Talents completely? All are Tyranny. Boy does Thomas Sowell hit that nail on the head. "Is U.S. Now On Slippery Slope To Tyranny http://news.investors.com/article/537967/201006211813/is-us-now-on-slippery-slope-to-tyranny-.htm?p=full


Wow. Here I promised to do more and instead I did less in this past year on this blog. I get so involved in things and the fact that I never was a very good wordsmith thanks to my invariably bad choices over the years. For that I can only ask forgiveness, but that stuff predates the blog by over a decade. So I guess, as a New Years Resolution I will again endeavor to create something here.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

An open letter

Over the years I have been told that one of my weaknesses is my loyalty to friends and family. Well, if that's a weakness, then I am very weak, but rarely wrong in my choices of friends. I blame them, because they helped make me what I am, and I love every single one of you like a brother or sister.
To those who have passed on, Randy Lance, Rodney Rogers, Euphrates Hill, Jeff Warner, Rudy Gallegos, Tom Hubbs, Marvin Massaro, Bobby Pacheco, Uncle Danny (would never tell me his last name, just Uncle Danny), Gordon Raigoza and to those I forget, sorry I am getting old and the fog of time is thick. I just want to say thank you and I do miss you all. Our time together was rich and I love you all.
To all you old farts I grew up with, Elalio Omar, Hector Omar, James Baker, David Baker, Glen Owens, Tony Verdugo, Paul Villegas, Doug (Cricket) Williams, Sammie Lee Moore, Tim Jones, Mark Jones, Billy (Weasel) Martinez, George Rivera, Acquina Rogers, Lisa Lobel, Tammy Carter, Patty Ernst, Nancy Ernst, Jeff Collins, Jeff Sutton, Brett Bennett, Mark Archuleta, George Gallegos, Josie Gallegos, Billy Hegler, Debbie Mayo, Donna Wojtyla, Debbie Wojtyla, Steve Villegas, Lonnie Blackburn, Larry Santistevan, Eloy Vigil - my oldest friend and still my compadre, George Rivera, Tim O'Gane, Gary Schritter, Cliff Brice III, Leon Bayha, Sherry Wood, Tammy Carter, Mark Medina, Karl Bernal, Pat Bernal... wow, this list can go on forever.
Basically, if you are not here, sorry, the fog of time again or if you're like Gerald Garber - buddy, I owe you one - punch and I may forgive, but I do not forget. I trust my friends and when one stabs me or rips me off, oh well, I owe you one, buddy. We will meet again somewhere, sometime.
I tip my hat to you all. Thank you and God Bless all of you.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tea Party Extremist? Yeppers

Well, I did it. Yes, I am now a Tea Partier. Why? I am so tired of my Congressman and Senators thinking they are above everyone and don't have to answer to us, the LEGAL citizenry. They bend over and spread it for the Illegals and every other crybaby "I want more" group that I now KNOW that they care not for those of us who work, create sale-able goods and instead want a nation of lemmings who know nothing but to fill out welfare forms, demand hand outs and if they don't get them cry "racist".

So to steal a line from the liberals, I did it "for the children". The children who now owe hundreds of thousands to the Chinese and yet they are not even out of diapers yet. The children who have no hope, no future and no life right now as we know it. Their hopes and dreams. if they are allowed in today's public schools to have one, is dashed and destroyed before they can even learn the meaning of the word dream.

Someone has to stand up for their kids and grandkids, and I am now one.

As Admiral Yamamoto said after Pearl Harbor "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve".

Amen, Admiral, Amen.